In quantitative research, variables are the causes or factors that affect the outcome. They are also known as dependent variables or independent variables. Depending on their order, these variables can affect the results of a study in unexpected ways. For example, a participant’s age can affect the risk of myocardial infarction. Another example would be the amount of LDL cholesterol in a person’s blood. Other factors, such as blood pressure or smoking, can also influence these factors.
Extraneous variables can unintentionally change a study’s results:
The effects of extraneous variables can alter the results of a study in several ways. First, extraneous variables can change the dependent variable, which can obscure the true effect of the independent variable. Extraneous variables can be either situation, task, or participant variables. For example, many language studies limit participants to those who are right-handed. This is because left-handed people have language areas distributed across both cerebral hemispheres.
Extraneous variables affect a study’s results without the researchers’ intention. These variables may include the participant’s age, gender, or mood. These variables affect the experiment’s results because they influence participants’ behaviour.
Dependent variables are the cause:
The term dependent variable is a variable that depends on other components to produce an effect. For example, a grade on an exam can be affected by how much sleep a student gets or how much time a student spends studying. These two components are not independent, and thus, the researchers examine the relationship between them.
The types of variables in a research study are known as independent and dependent variables. The dependent variable is the one that is being measured in an experiment, and the independent variable is the one that stands alone. For example, in a study examining whether a drug will affect a person’s blood pressure, the dependent variable could be the drug’s effect or the placebo.
In quantitative studies, the goal is to understand the phenomenon. This means researchers may be unable to identify individual idiosyncrasies in someone’s addiction to an electronic gadget. Still, they can study the factors most likely contributing to a person’s addiction to these devices. You can do this by collecting data from a large representative group.
Independent variables are the effect:
In quantitative research, independent variables are the factors that You can change to study the effect of one variable on another. These variables can be collected from the respondents themselves, or they can be natural factors. Independent variables are often easier to obtain and less time-consuming to collect and analyze than dependent variables.
One should consider the factorial design when using multiple independent variables in a study. The factorial design combines levels of independent variables and makes their conditions in the experiment. A classic example of this would be a study examining the effect of cell phone use and the time of day on driving.
Independent variables are also explanatory, controlled, manipulated, and measured variables. On the other hand, dependent variables take the form of a response to the independent variables. The experimenter controls the independent variables and only changes the dependent variables when the former change.
Time ordering of variables in quantitative research:
Time ordering of variables in quantitative research refers to how variables are arranged about one another. Generally, a variable is ordered in time by its impact on the other variable. This is because the two variables are likely to change simultaneously. It is, therefore, important to consider the effect of each variable on another when designing a study. However, it is important to remember that variables’ time ordering is not an exact science.
In quantitative research, variables may be ordinal, continuous, or interval. Each category has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. For instance, ordinal variables can be measured using a continuous scale, while the difference between two values can only measure at intervals.
Author Bio:
Carmen Troy is a research-based content writer, who works for Cognizantt, a globally recognized professional SEO service and Research Prospect; an 论文和论文写作服务 Mr Carmen holds a PhD degree in mass communication. He loves to express his views on various issues, including education, technology, and more.