Dissertation Samples about Fashion Marketing:


The fashion industry relies on various marketing strategies to attract customers and promote its products. A well-designed marketing strategy will increase traffic to your website and attract new customers. A successful campaign will incorporate a targeted audience communication framework and continuous customer feedback.

Impacts of social networking sites on fashion marketing:

A recent study examined how fashion retailers use social networking sites to promote their businesses. It found that retailers that use social media to promote their products saw increased sales. However, these findings did not apply to all retailers. Additionally, the study was limited to four social networking sites. This means that other platforms could have different impacts on fashion marketing.

Purchase intent process:

This study explored the role of social networking sites in luxury fashion marketing, specifically their role in the purchase intent process. It found that luxury fashion brands can use social networking sites to promote their brand, provide customers with all the information they need, and encourage people to flaunt their brand experiences. Luxury brand companies need to consider the power of highly efficient and low-cost electronic word-of-mouth interactions.

The study also examined the impact of social networking sites on the buying attitude of consumers. It found that consumers who were more likely to share positive opinions about brands on these sites were more likely to buy the products they liked. Because You organized these networks in systematic ways, social networking sites had the potential to influence consumers’ purchasing behaviour.

Influence of fashion bloggers on consumer buying behaviour:

There is increasing evidence of the influence of fashion bloggers on consumer buying behaviour. These blogs help consumers in several ways, such as by providing easier access to the products and services they are interested in and stimulating their desire to buy. In addition, fashion blogs can affect various factors, including social class, personality, and attitude.

According to the study, most people appreciate fashion bloggers’ professional content and interaction with their followers but do not necessarily follow them for their style. Moreover, four-fifths of respondents cite that professional content on fashion blogs consumes less time and gives more information.

According to some studies, fashion blogs enormously influence consumer buying behaviour. They control 41 per cent of consumers’ fashion trends, and 23 per cent of them buy products directly through their feeds. These statistics demonstrate that fashion bloggers are becoming opinion leaders.

Increase in website traffic:

The introduction of dissertation samples focuses on the problem statement, justification, and an overview of the selected company. In addition, it covers the research questions and the scope of the study. It is then followed by the literature review, which should discuss the theoretical framework, the relationship between brand awareness, customer relationship management, and sales, and how all these factors affect customer involvement. Finally, the research methodology chapter clarifies the data collection, analysis, and presentation.

Need for a bachelor’s degree in fashion marketing:

A bachelor’s degree in fashion marketing prepares students for careers in the fast-paced fashion industry. Students will learn about consumer behaviour, digital marketing, and retail sales promotion and become well-versed in the industry’s international context. They will also be exposed to various study abroad options to gain experience abroad in other countries.

The courses in this degree program emphasize integrated thinking, creative problem-solving, and interpretation of data. They also offer hands-on experience through internships and live projects. The most suitable candidates for this program are mature students with college experience and academic backgrounds. Applicants should be prepared to work independently and in a team environment.

The basic concept of fashion business:

Fashion marketing courses teach students the fashion business basics, such as the cost of materials, brands, and quantity, and how to develop and sell new products. Students also study industry trends and how to create innovative solutions. Courses in fashion marketing also provide students with valuable hands-on experience in the industry. Students will also work on a major business plan during their studies.

Author Bio:

Carmen Troy is a research-based content writer, who works for Cognizantt, a globally recognized professional SEO service and Research Prospect; an 论文和论文写作服务 Mr Carmen holds a PhD degree in mass communication. He loves to express his views on various issues, including education, technology, and more.